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The Thin Place Presented by Flashback Theater – Somerset Community College-Stoner Little Theater, 808 Monticello St. Somerset, KY, 9pm each day. The Thin Place is the story of two women, Hilda and Linda. Linda communicates, professionally, with the dead, who are still here, just in a different part of here, in the “thin place.” She can make those who believe hear them, offering them peace and closure and meaning. Originally from rural England, she’s reestablished herself in the U.S.—birthplace of spiritualism—where she has continued to build a career out of her gift. Hilda, a keen listener and observer who’s grappling with loss, takes a great interest in Linda’s abilities. She befriends the veteran medium, seeking answers that lie across the fragile boundary between our world and the other one. This production is recommended for mature audiences due to mature themes and supernatural content. Info and tickets 888-394-3282 or visit

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