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Somernites Cruise Super Cruise Weekend & Mustang Alley – Downtown Somerset – Join us every 4th Saturday, April through October, in Somerset “The Car Cruise Capital of Kentucky” for Somernites Cruise. Enjoy a relaxed, family oriented atmosphere throughout downtown Somerset. The featured car for August will be the Ford Mustang with the Annual Mustang Alley and SuperCruise Weekend (sponsored by Holley Performance Products). Somernites is excited to announce that the Joey Logano #22 Shell Mustang will be at our August show!! The “Show and Shine” portion of the event lasts from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. “Cruising the Strip” begins at 6 p.m. Info about the Cruise or related weekend activities visit www.somernitescruise.com or call 606-872-2277.


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