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Lake Cumberland Air Show – Lake Cumberland Regional Airport, 500 W O Newel Dr. Somerset, KY, 10am-4pm. The 2022 Lake Cumberland Air Show takes flight Saturday, September 17th at the Lake Cumberland Regional Airport. See high flying action by vintage military aircraft & civilian air show performers, including the WWII-era P-40 Warhawk and the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17! From vintage military aircraft, civilian air show performers, to a fire-breathing jet truck, the 2022 air show brings the aerial entertainment Luke Carrico, an air show announcer who has announced dozens of aerial events around the world, will once again emcee the event. The show is a family-friendly event that will feature music, food, and a sky full of dancing planes. Info and tickets 606-679-7908, https://lakecumberlandairshow.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/lakecumberlandairshow/.

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