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Classic Movie Night at The Virginia: Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs – The Virginia Theater, 214 E. Mt. Vernon St., Somerset, 7:00pm. Join emcee and local film enthusiast John Alexander for Classic Movie Night at The Virginia, featuring the Walt Disney classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). In Disney’s first full-length feature film, this Grimm fairy tale gets a Technicolor treatment. Jealous of Snow White’s beauty, the wicked queen orders the murder of her innocent stepdaughter, but later discovers that Snow White is still alive and hiding in a cottage with seven friendly little miners. Disguising herself as a hag, the queen brings a poisoned apple to Snow White, who falls into a death-like sleep that can be broken only by a kiss from the prince. Info 606-679-6366 or view policies here: https://thevirginiaky.com.

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