Boutique Bounce Poker Run – Begin at Baxters Coffee, 427 Ogden St. Somerset, KY, 9am. There has never been a better time to support LOCAL and support SMALL businesses here in our community! The Somerset Junior Woman’s Club put together a Boutique Bounce Poker Run that will give you a chance to visit many of our local boutiques and specialty stores BEFORE the holiday rush takes over, find some great deals, and play a cool game! It is a great socially distanced event that will allow you to spend the day and shop LOCAL. There are 22 poker card stops, so that allows you to spread out around the area. The winner will get almost $500 in gift cards! You will stop in first, between 9:00am and 10:00am, at Baxter’s Coffee (original north store on Ogden Street) to register and get your participation bracelet ticket, rules and shop addresses, first playing card, and your breakfast snack. The shops will open at 10:00am and will be ready to greet you with a playing card along with special sales and discounts and possibly extra in-store prize drawings, refreshments, or goodie bags! Lunch from Amon’s Sugar Shack will be available for pick-up from 12:30pm to 1:00pm (and you’ll get a playing card with your boxed meal). Wrap up your day by putting together your best possible poker hand at a local parking lot location (to be announced later) between 3:00pm and 3:30pm. All participants will be expected to follow the COVID-19 guidelines. This is not a group/crowd activity. Info and participant list