A Midwinter’s Dance-Contra on Campus – Somerset Community College, 808 Monticello, KY, 7pm-10pm. Join the Fine Arts Department and Somerset Contra Dance as they host the 2nd Contra on Campus. A short lesson will begin at 7:00pm with the dance beginning at 7:30pm in the Meece Auditorium. Contra dancing is a form of folk dance made up of long lines of couples. Dances will be led by a caller, with a live band to accompany. Beginner friendly dancing with an at home, folk feel. Your dancing shoes don’t need to be broken in to enjoy live music by the open band led by Mike Loiacono with dances called by new callers. All are welcome! No dance experience or partner necessary. Or skip dancing and enjoy the LIVE MUSIC! Info https://www.facebook.com/people/Somerset-Contra-Dance/100064081568282.