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30th Master Musicians Festival 2023 – Somerset Community College, Festival Field, 808 Monticello St. Somerset, KY, 4-11pm Friday; 11am-11pm Saturday. Join us July 13th, 14th and 15th for the 30th Annual Master Musicians Festival! Enjoy performances from Wynonna Judd, Ian Noe, Nappy Roots, Nicholas Jamerson, Abby Hamilton, Brit Taylor, Brother Smith and more! This year will be hosting a FREE classical musical night with the Louisville Orchestra on Thursday, July 13th at The Center for Rural Development*. More to come later on how to reserve admission to the concert. Visit www.mastermusiciansfestival.org or www.facebook.com/mastermusicfest/ for tickets & a daily lineup. Info call 606-875-6732 or email .

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