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The Warriors of AniKituhwa Perform at the Center – Center for Rural Development, 2292 S. Hwy 27, Somerset, KY, 7pm. The Center presents the Warriors of AniKituhwa from the Museum of the Cherokee Indian for a special evening performance. At 6:30 p.m., the group will host an art display and demonstration of native arts and crafts in lobby. The Warriors of the AniKituhwa bring to life the Cherokee War Dance and Eagle Trail Dance, as described by Lt. Henry Timberlake in 1762. They also perform Cherokee social dances, including the Bear Dance, Beaver Hunting Dance, and Friendship Dance and talk about the significance of the dances, their clothing, and Cherokee history and culture. The dance group has been designated as the official cultural ambassadors by the Tribal Council of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and sponsored by the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Info 606-677-6000 or www.centertech.com.

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