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Ben Haggard with Special Guests Heidi & Ryan Greer at The Virginia – Virginia Theater, 214 E. Mt. Vernon St. Somerset, KY, doors at 6pm, show at 7pm. For fans of his late, legendary father, country music great Merle Haggard, his youngest son Ben is no Stranger – in fact, he’s been the lead guitarist in Hag’s longtime band of the same name for the past eight years. Ben recalls Merle telling him, “You’d be an idiot not to take my guitar and my bus, not to sing my songs for as long as you can…Go out there and play until there’s nobody to play to.” And that is precisely what Ben Haggard has done over these past months and will continue to do in the near-future, effectively putting his own promising musical career on the back burner for the time being. Heidi & Ryan put their heart and soul back into their own style of Appalachian music. The two long-time performers have breathtaking vocals intertwined with authentic & uplifting messages. Info and tickets 606-679-6366 or https://thevirginiaky.com.

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